ASTARTE develops patient-specific technologies to support the medical staff in diagnosis, therapy planning and follow-up phases

Il progetto CORE-A: Computational Report on Aorta.
Innovation in vascular surgery
Aneurysms and dissection of abdominal and thoracic aorta are among the most frequent causes of death. The surgical treatment represents the preferred solution.
ASTARTE developed an innovative methodology based on advanced CFD modeling technology, which provides information on the real and specific flow conditions inside the aneurysms. Derived indications support the medical staff in the planning of the surgical intervention, in the selection of adequate prostheses and in the follow-up monitoring.
- Patient-specific: the technology provides indications relating to each specific case.
- No additional medical examination: CORE-A procedure bases on the data obtained from standard diagnostic methodologies and does not require any further examination on the patient.
- Time: results are delivered within 24h.
CORE-A project is developed in the frame of the “Programma di R&S per l’integrazione della filiera Biomed”, financed by Sardegna Ricerche (Italy) and with the support of the Vascular Surgery Department of the hospital “G.Brotzu”, Cagliari (Italy)
In 2021 the CORE-A project benefited from funding under the Microincentivi III Call of the Sardinia Region, promoted by Sardegna Ricerche.
Project code: SERV_INN_MICRO3-181
CUP: G29J21005190006
Total amount of the project: € 18,750.00
Amount financed: € 15,000.00
Source: POR FESR Sardegna 2014-2020 – Axis 1, Action 1.3.2.
End date: 25/02/2022