ASTARTE is a cluster of high profile engineers with heterogeneous and complementary expertise. Long-term experience in industrial research, structural integrity and FEA, fluid dynamics and CFD, technical assessment and experimental activities. Wide background of academic competences.
Multidisciplinarity is the main asset.

Francesco Cambuli
Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Cagliari. Expertise in numerical and experimental fluid dynamics and acoustics.

Andrea Meleddu
Technical management, planning, coordination. Background in structural integrity, fluid dynamics, materials, and experimental testing. EU project coordination.

Jan Ferino
Structural simulation methodologies, Finite Element Analysis, FEA. Heat transfer, machining processes, structural analysis, dynamics and fatigue. EU project coordination.

Marco Bertoli
Numerical methods of Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD. Combustion, gas dynamics, heat transfer, internal flows and dispersion. Integration of Artificial Intelligence algorithms.

Marco Pintus
Structural and fluid dynamics modelling of systems: combustion, heat transfer, metalworking. CFD, FEA, Artificial Intelligence. Coding: Python, JavaScript.

The expertise is our capital. The joint contribution of industrial background and academic competences allows us to operate in a wide range of technical areas. Thanks to a multidisciplinary approach, we support our customers and partners with prompt, reliable and effective solutions.
Astarte aims to consolidate its position among companies offering industrial innovation in high-tech sectors. The employment of highly experienced and flexible professionals is an effective resource in the development of cost-effective solutions.
We operate in many industrial sectors and develop customised solutions to provide fast, effective and flexible support in innovation, design and assessment.